Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Why I don't blog

Here is why I don’t blog:

Because this week I was called up for jury duty--okay, actually three or four months ago, but I was a crazed mess back then because Gabe was still in his super-fuss phase, so I just deferred it as long as I could, which was until this week--and my mom is out of town, and Russell is at work, so I pack mass amounts of snacks and toddler distractions and a nursing cover in a bag, and lie in bed awake half the night worrying about it.  I manage to get inside the courthouse at 8:15 this morning after doing almost a complete lap around the building in the rain looking for the wheelchair entrance so I could get in with the double stroller.  We make it up to the desk where all the potential jurors are checking in, the lady working there takes one look at me, and with completely unveiled annoyance tells me the fact (which was probably obvious to you all along) that I cannot be there with children.  She asks me if I mentioned anything in the form I filled out online.  Yes, I did mention having a baby and a two-year-old, but the online form seemed to take that pretty well in stride.  Well, I should have called them.  Here’s a piece of paper and a pen to write an explanation to the judge.  Now I’m about ready to sink into the lovely historical floor, but I have to settle for being the most conspicuous person in the room, because my baby is starting to fuss.  The judge writes me back a note on the bottom of my note to him that I can’t actually read, but the person who handed it to me says I am excused today but need to set a new date and then arrange for “day care” for my children.  No chance of setting the date for after I plan on weaning Gabe, so I just go as far out as they let me and then wheel away as quickly as possible before I melt into a weepy puddle of anxious sleep deprivation.

Back at home, the baby is sending me serious mixed signals, like he does every day, so I decide to guess nap and set him down.  Atticus gets his snack with the soothing tones of Gabe’s wails in the background--speaking of snack, did I mention the bib that was crawling with ants when I came down to the kitchen this morning?  Gabe does eventually fall asleep, but immediately wakes up when I go cover him with a blanket.  #momfail

That takes us up to about noon.  Unfortunately I neglected to take any high-quality, well-composed pictures of any of the events described above, so you’ll just have to use your imaginations.


  1. I love this post!!!
    I can't believe they really won't just excuse you... That seems crazy to me!

  2. I feel your pain! I never tried jury duty with kids, but I have had many a crazy day and a crazy needful outing with uncooperative children! People that think stay home moms are taking the easy way out, never tried it!
